Some of these links will direct you to external organisations and their websites.
While we have taken every care to ensure its accuracy, Positive Life are not responsible for this external content and it is provided for your convenience only.
You can access free and confidential advice regarding HIV by calling our helpline on 0800 137 437

Outside of our normal office hours, If you’re in crisis and need to talk to someone urgently, please call
Lifeline on 0808 808 8000
Samaritans on 116 123
Northern Ireland Sexual Health Clinics
Belfast Trust Useful Information
Emergency Departments are located at the following hospitals:
Royal Victoria Hospital
ED reception (adults): 028 9063 2250
Children’s Hospital (Royal Hospitals site)
ED reception (children): 028 9063 2251
Mater Hospital
Contact ED through the main switchboard: 028 9074 1211
If you need GP assistance outside of surgery hours:
028 9079 6220 (in South and East Belfast)
028 9074 4447 (in North and West Belfast)
Regional Emergency Social Work Service
If you need social work assistance outside office hours: 028 9504 9999
Child protection services
If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child, call the children’s social work service:
During office hours: 028 9050 7000
Out of hours, weekends and public holidays: 028 9504 9999
Mental health emergencies
If you have an urgent concern about the mental health of yourself or someone you know, please contact:
During office hours, Monday to Friday: Contact your own GP
GP Out of Hours Services
Belfast HSC Trust
(North & West) 028 9074 4447
(South & East) 028 9079 6220
South Eastern HSC Trust
(North Down & Ards) 028 9182 2344
(Lisburn & Downpatrick) 028 9260 2204
Dalriada Urgent Care (Northern Trust area)
028 2566 3500
Southern HSC Trust
028 3839 9201
Western Urgent Care
028 7186 5195
Text Relay: Dial 18001 followed by the full GP Out-of-Hours telephone number.