I just wish I could take out a full page ad in the newspaper and tell the world that I am HIV+ and there is nothing to fear. Telling my story to these people made me feel so good!
A Positive Life Service User

Thank you for your continued support with (a service user) we both have in common. The work you have been doing…….and the support you have been providing……..has been a very important aspect of (their) overall adjustment, and I do feel it is important to acknowledge this.
Laura Thompson, Clinical Psychologist, RVH

I turned up at Positive Life……feeling my life was over……(they) took me in and spent time with me and showed me he cared…..these…..amazing guys have made me realise life can have some sort of meaning. Life is what you make it. (Now) taking steps I haven’t taken before…..Knowing I have the ability to ring (Positive Life) if I ever got to that place is a very reassuring feeling……knowing you have that person who will listen and not judge you…..I just want to say thank you. Thank you for caring and thank you for being there.
A Positive Life Service User

I'm the last person you'd expect to be find reviewing a Men's Group outing. I am the one who always makes encouraging noises about planned events, but when it comes to it, I tend to find an excuse not to attend, or bottle it. After promising I would make more effort to mix with fellow users and engage in this way, last week I found myself at Yorkgate at Lost City Adventure Golf, and you know what? I had a blast lol 🙂

I'm neither a golfer, nor a putter (as became blatently obvious) and I'm not even a closet crazy golfer. Despite all of this, the chat flowed easily, the craic was 90 and a good time was had by all. A previously unseen competitive streak added to the fun and even though I managed to come last (thanks to extremely accurate score-keeping by staff), I'm still here, putting in print for all to see, the fact that I had a really good time.

I will definitely be paying more attention to my monthly events emails, from now on, and checking out what the Men's Group have in store for us, in the months ahead. Maybe you should too? I'm a great believer in the phrase 'more the merrier' and for that matter, 'safety in numbers', so why not come along and join in.

A Positive Life Service User

l have to praise the work at PL, l feel it has had a VERY positive effect on my mental health and well-being. Following my diagnosis over three years ago…..I was feeling isolated and alone……(at) Positive Life……l immediately felt a sense of relief that I was somewhere with people who cared and understand, and VERY importantly in a safe and confidential environment.…..KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK PL, there are people out there who need you.

A Positive Life Service User

It is so important I have realised to hear other people’s stories of living with HIV as it is easy to live in sort of personal bubble about honesty and openness without really understanding the issues that each of us has and how different they all are. We all have our own reality around it. Made ME think!

……Thanks to you and all at PL!!

A Positive Life Service User

I would like to suggest that Positive Life is very well named as your organisation has had a major positive impact on all my family. You have an innate ability to pick up on concerns said and unsaid, real or imaginary and suggest a way forward that fits in and works with the myriad of personalities within a family. The ongoing contact from Positive Life is life enhancing and is very much appreciated.
A +Family Life Project Service USer